Dancing Deer Baking Co. is a beloved family-owned bakery committed to creating delicious baked goods using scratch-made recipes and high-quality ingredients. Their dedication to tradition, sustainability, and non-GMO practices sets them apart in the industry. The founders, Suzanne Lombardi, Ayis Antoniou, and Trish Karter, established the company on principles of excellence, purity, and freshness in food.
Product Designer
User Research, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing
I began the project by immersing ourselves in Dancing Deer Baking Co.'s ethos and target audience. The client's emphasis on family, tradition, and nature inspired us to delve deeper into their customer base. I conducted in-depth research, interviews, and surveys to develop two key personas that guided our design decisions. I also created various low fidelity sketches of the layout for Dancing Deer focusing on information clarity and how to incorporate some of the custom illustrations that were provided.
The insights gained from the personas guided our design process to ensure that the website resonated with Dancing Deer Baking Co.'s audience. The persona of Family-Oriented Fiona influenced the emphasis on all-natural ingredients and family values throughout the website. Joyful Jerry's persona inspired the playful stick figure illustrations and the focus on creating a joyful and delightful shopping experience. I created my high fidelity mockups in Figma and then imported them into Invision to allow the engineers to inspect the file and export the HTML and CSS code. I worked very closely with the Front End team to spec out any missing interactions that were not covered in the high fidelity mockups.
I introduced sketchy icons throughout the site, inspired by both personas' preferences. The icons added visual interest and catered to Fiona's need for transparency and Jerry's quest for joyfulness. The chosen typography balanced Fiona's desire for clarity and Jerry's preference for a joyful appeal. The font choice ensured readability while adding a touch of whimsy.
I integrated the stick figure illustrations right on the homepage, creating a sense of warmth and playfulness that resonated with both personas.
Clear and detailed product descriptions were tailored to Fiona's health-conscious concerns. Vibrant images of treats showcased the deliciousness that both Fiona and Jerry sought.
Fiona's need for convenience and Jerry's desire for simplicity influenced the clear navigation and intuitive layout, allowing easy exploration of categories and products.
The redesigned Dancing Deer Baking Co. ecommerce site was a harmonious blend of Fiona's health-conscious values and Jerry's joyful spirit. The incorporation of personas led to a more empathetic and tailored design that resonated with the audience. The playful elements and user-centered design increased engagement and contributed to a rise in online orders.
Some key takeaways from this project are: